Tuesday, November 13, 2007

HRSC EPF case (open letter to Percetakan Aziz)

12 November 2007

File Name: SJB/HRSC/CSP07/02

Malaysia Press Sdn. Bhd.

Percetakan Aziz Sdn. Bhd,

No. 11, Jln Banang 1, Kaw Perindustrian

Taman Johor, Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Tel: 07-2346211 Fax: 07-2347211

Dear Sir,

EPF Contribution of Your Employee

As stated in the above-mentioned issue, we from Suaram JB would like to have your explanation regarding EPF issue of your former employee, named Mr. Tan See Hor.

2. We are understood that Mr. Tan was your former employee and his EPF contribution was not paid through out his employment at your company since year 2005.

3. However, we are also understood that there are some employee faces the same EPF contribution of your company even they had been complaint at EPF office. The detailed outcomes of an interview with Mr. Tan on 26/10/2007 can be referred in the attachment.

4. According to the EPF Acts Section 43 (1), every employer and every employee shall be liable to pay monthly contributions to the fund of the employee. According to the Section 43 (2), any person being an employer who fails to pay to the fund any contributions which he is liable under the act shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to a fine not exceeding RM10’000 or to both.

5. Suaram takes worker’s rights infringement seriously. We seek your cooperation to provide explanation regarding this issue within 2 week from now before any further action taken.

Working for Human Rights

Yours truly,




Suaram Caw. JB


fyi , this company's boss - En Aziz is also a victim of the lady - so-called 'queen control ' - LISA , WHO HAS MADE USED OF AZIZ 'S ABSENT AND IGNORANCE TO GET RICH FAST/ FLAUDING ...SHE HAS BEEN SUED BY AZIZ AND THE CASE WILL BE HEARD AT COURT SOONER ..

Pengumuman / 启事 / Notification

Pertukaran alamat blog dan e-mel

Selamat sejahtera, Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee akan menggunakan alamat e-mail dan alamat laman web (Blog) yang baru seperti berikut bermula 1 Januari 2014:

Emel: sahabatrakyat.my@gmail.com
Blog: http://sahabatrakyatmy.blogspot.com

Sekian, terima kasih dan Selamat Tahun Baru!







Change of blog and email addresses

Please be informed that Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee will be using the new email and blog addresses below commencing 1 Jan 2014:

Blog: http://sahabatrakyatmy.blogspot.com

Wishing you a progressive new year!



作为活跃于柔佛州的为民主人权和民族尊严而奋斗的两个组织——柔佛州人民之友工委会与柔州兴权会(HINDRAF JOHORE)针对第13届大选,在去年底联合发表了一篇主题为“打破巫统霸权,建立民主联合阵线;团结全州人民,实现三大迫切诉求”的《告柔佛州人民书》;我们毫不犹疑,也毫不含糊主张“把国阵抛弃到历史的垃圾堆中去”。




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