Friday, November 8, 2013

砂州建设水坝损害原住民“习俗地权利” 民间组织群起支持维权反“坝”抗争行动 / Malaysian Civil Society Supports the Protection of Orang Asal's Native Customary Rights against the Construction of Dams in Murum and Baram, Sarawak


Malaysian Civil Society Supports the Protection of Orang Asal's Native Customary Rights against the Construction of Dams in Murum and Baram, Sarawak





3.在峇当艾(Batang Ai)、巴贡(Bakun)和姆伦(Murum)建设的三个大型水坝而导致河水泛滥,还有另外九个将在巴南(Baram)和其他地区建设的水坝将导致同样结果

很显然的,将原住民从他们的土地驱逐出去是一种文化毁灭。为了让路以建设巴贡(Bakun)水坝而强行将原住民迫迁到双溪阿刹(Sungai Asap)已经导致该社群穷面临生计问题。该新居地区其实是油棕种植园的一部分,其土质并不适合用来种植山稻 米和其他农作物。它不仅离森林很远,也缺乏原住民所要求的学校和诊所。此外,其服务设施不但没有设立好,而且不卫生。这次强行迫迁像1948年至1960年马来亚紧急法令时期所设立的“新村”,生活环境如同难民营。




为了阻止巴南水坝进一步的预期建设工程,巴南的内陆族(Orang Ulu)也在2013年10月23日开始了类似的捍卫原住民习俗地权,从而设立路障。他们以和平的方式请巴南水坝工程的工人离开。水坝工人已经答应离开了工地,工程因而停滞不前。驱使工人离开水坝是以和平方式进行的。



1. 立即停止姆伦(Murum)水坝蓄水,并停止再焚烧对本南社群的长屋。恳请他们在不以恐吓、暴力、贪污、操纵以对本南社群(Penan)进行分化的情况下,与该社群进行公开且公正的咨询。

2. 立即停止与计划中的巴南(Baram)水坝的所有工程。恳请他们在不以恐吓、暴力、贪污、操纵以对巴南社群进行分化的情况下,与该社群进行公开且公正的咨询。



1. Aliran
2. All Women's Action Society (AWAM)
4. Association of Women Lawyers
5. Ban Cyanide Action Committee, Raub, Pahang
6. Baramkini
7. Baram Protection Action Committee (BPAC)
8. Bersih Sibu, Sarawak
9. Borneo Resources Institute, Malaysia (BRIMAS)
10. Borneo Rights International, United Kingdom (BRI)
11. Biro Alam Sekitar Parti Keadilan Rakyat 
12. Center for Orang Asli Concerns 
13. Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI)
14. Civil Rights Committee of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
15. Community Action Network (CAN)
16. Communities Information and Communication Centre (CICOM)
17. Dapur Jalanan Kuala Lumpur
19. Friends in Conversation (FIC)
20. Gerakan Bunga Raya
21. Gindol Initiative for Civil Society, Borneo
22. Gabungan NGO Pengerang Johore
23. Helen Ting
24. Himpunan Hijau
25. Ho Yock Lin, President, AWAM
26. Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS) which comprises 89 CBOs.
27. Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT)
28. Jaringan Tanah Hak Adat Bangsa Asal Sarawak (TAHABAS)
30. Kelab Bangsar Utama
31. Lee Hwok Aun Dr., Universiti Malaya
32. LLG Cultural Development Centre
33. Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement
34. MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)
36. Malaysians for Beng Hock
37. Mama Bersih
38. New Era College Student Progressive Front
39. Northern Green Youth
40. Parti Sosialis Malaysia
41. People's Green Coalition
42. Persatuan Alumni PBTUSM Kuala Lumpur & Selangor (雪隆理华同学会)
43. Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (Empower)
44. Persatuan Komuniti Prihatin Selangor & Kuala Lumpur (PRIHATIN)
45. Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor dan Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS)
46. Persatuan Murid Murid Tua SJK (C) Pei Hwa
47. Persatuan Penduduk Taman Muhibbah
48. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita, Selangor (PSWS)
49. Pertubuhan Solidariti Hijau Kuantan ( PSHK)
50. Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat (KOMAS)
51. Tan Sri Ramon Navaratnam
52. Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM) 
53. Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee (人民之友工委会)
54. Save Vui Kong Campaign
55. Serdang Bharu School Alumni Youth Section
56. Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM)
57. SOS-Selangor
58. Save Malaysia Stop Lynas (SMSL)  
59. Suaram
60. Suaram Penang
61. Sunflower Election Education (SEED)
62. Tamil Foundation
63. Tan Siang Yong 陈湘荣, Chairman Kedah/Perlis Liaison Committee, LLG Cultural Development Centre
64. Tenaganita
65. Tindakmalaysia
66. Toh Kin Woon Dr.
67. Universiti Utara Malaysia Student Progressive Front
68. Universiti Sains Malaysia Student Progressive Front
69. Universiti Putra Malaysia Student Progressive Front 
70. Women's Centre for Change, Penang
71. Women Development of Malaysia PJ Branch.
72. Women's Aid Organisation (WAO)
73. Women Section of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall
74. Wong Fort Pin Dr., Klinik Wong, Melaka 
75. Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)
76. Yoong Suan Dr., 楊泉, PhD, research fellow, Cameron Highlands 金马轮高原
77. Youth Section of Kuala Lumpur & Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall 
78. Peoples Documentary
79. 528 Media Action Group
80. Life for Democracy


Malaysian Civil Society Supports the Protection of
Orang Asal's Native Customary Rights against the
Construction of Dams in Murum and Baram, Sarawak

Issued on 6th November 2013 at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

The Malaysian Civil Society regards with great indignation the violation of Native Customary Rights of the Orang Asal (the Indigenous People) of Sarawak in the construction of hydroelectric power dams in Bakun, Murum and Baram, Sarawak.

This statement is issued by Damn the Dams Action Group. The following is the full text of the statement:

The Violation of Native Rights

The Sarawak State Government under the administration of the Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has consistently and relentlessly violated the Rights of the Orang Asal in Sarawak by unlawful seizure of their Native Customary Lands; systemic deforestation through illegal logging; flooding of river valleys as a result the construction of three mega dams at Batang Ai, Bakun and Murum and the planned construction of another nine dams at Baram and other districts; illegal transplantation of the monoculture of oil palms onto vast areas of Native Customary Lands; the establishment of toxic, polluting and massive energy-consuming smelting industries in the industrial zones (SCORE) along the coast of Sarawak.

This systematic and disastrous environmental destruction has brought irreversible harm to the Orang Asal communities who have protected the pristine forests for their food, small farms, long houses, places of worship, churches and burial grounds. Their very existence and culture is dependent on their lands and the forest. Their land is their life.

The eviction of the Orang Asal from their lands has proven to be a cultural genocide. The forced relocation of the Orang Asal to Sungai Asap to make way for the construction of Bakun Dam had left the community destitute. The new settlement area is a part of oil palm plantations and is unsuitable for cultivation of hill rice and other crops. It is located far away from the forests. The schools and clinics demanded by the Orang Asal are lacking. The amenities are badly constructed and unhygienic. While the forced relocation is not unlike the setting up of “New Villages” during the Emergency Orders from 1948 to 1960 in Malaya, the living condition has been comparable to that of the refugee camps.

The Protection of Native Customary Lands (Blockade) at Murum, Sarawak

The Penan communities at Murum have started their third Protection/Blockade since 23 September 2013 as their demands for fair compensations have not been met by the Sarawak Government and its linked corporations. The entire communities including women and children have been camping under the warm sun and suffer the monsoon rain for the past six weeks to voice their protest.

The Protection of Native Customary Lands (Blockade) at Baram, Sarawak

The Orang Ulu communities of Baram had similarly started their Protection/Blockade on 23 October 2013 to stop further prospective and construction work on the planned Baram Dam. They had peacefully asked the workers at the Baram Dam project to leave.  The Dam workers had complied and construction had come to a stand still. The eviction of the Dam workers had been conducted peacefully.

The Demands of the Malaysian Civil Society

The civil rights movement of the Orang Asal in Malaysia in general and that of the Orang Asal at Murum and Baram in particular is an inseparable part of the larger Malaysia Civil Society movement against injustices and oppression inflicted upon the Malaysian public as a whole. We hold in great indignation such injustices committed against us. The demands of the Orang Asal at Murum and Baram are therefore our own demands.

The Malaysian Civil Society demands that the Sarawak State Government and its linked corporations, contactors and agents:
1.  To immediately stop the impoundment of Murum Dam and stop further arson against the long houses of the Penan community in Murum. That they enter into open and fair consultation with the Penan community without intimidation, force, corruption and manipulations to divide and split the community.

2. To immediately stop all work related to the survey and construction of the planned Baram Dam. That they enter into open and fair consultation with the community of Baram without intimidation, force, corruption and manipulation to divide and split the community.

The Malaysian Civil Society also demands:
3.  That the Royal Police of Malaysia immediately end the Police road block to allow food, water, medical assistance, social workers and media reporters to freely enter Murum. That the Royal Police of Malaysia renders its utmost professional service to protect the Orang Asal in Murum and Baram who are exercising their Civil Rights granted and guaranteed under the Constitution of Malaysia to a peaceful life in Malaysia.

In solidarity,
Damn the Dams Action Group
Contact person: Khim Pa
Mobile: 012-477 7706


Pengumuman / 启事 / Notification

Pertukaran alamat blog dan e-mel

Selamat sejahtera, Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee akan menggunakan alamat e-mail dan alamat laman web (Blog) yang baru seperti berikut bermula 1 Januari 2014:


Sekian, terima kasih dan Selamat Tahun Baru!







Change of blog and email addresses

Please be informed that Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee will be using the new email and blog addresses below commencing 1 Jan 2014:


Wishing you a progressive new year!



作为活跃于柔佛州的为民主人权和民族尊严而奋斗的两个组织——柔佛州人民之友工委会与柔州兴权会(HINDRAF JOHORE)针对第13届大选,在去年底联合发表了一篇主题为“打破巫统霸权,建立民主联合阵线;团结全州人民,实现三大迫切诉求”的《告柔佛州人民书》;我们毫不犹疑,也毫不含糊主张“把国阵抛弃到历史的垃圾堆中去”。




Malaysia Time (GMT+8)