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“民间组织・议会斗争・民主人权”论坛 ——人民之友工委会12周年纪念

Monday, December 21, 2009

























(譯自〈Untenable Prejudice Against Chinese Schools〉,Dr Kua Kia Soong,Director of SUARAM,Dec3, 2009,楊培根譯)

Untenable prejudice against Chinese schools

Kua Kia Soong

Source: The Sun (

PROF Khoo Kay Kim’s contention that the Chinese education system produces "copycats" through its rote-learning methods needs to be examined. He challenges his detractors to refute his claim by asking how many scholars of world calibre the Chinese schools have produced and how many students from Chinese schools have obtained scholarships from the government. His underlying motive is not clear – is he calling for Chinese schools to be closed down or to be improved?

Chinese schools in general or Malaysian Chinese schools?

In the first place, is Khoo saying that Malaysian Chinese schools produce copycats or that education in the Chinese language produces copycats? As an educationist, I am sure he knows the difference. If he is saying that education in the Chinese-language produces copycats then he implies that the education systems in China, Taiwan and Hongkong also produce copycats. Do I then have to produce examples of Nobel Prize laureates from these Chinese-language countries to rebut his argument?

» Lee Tsung Dao (Physics, 1957)

» Yang Chen Ning (Physics 1957)

» C. C. Ting (Physics 1976)

» Lee Y. T. (Chemistry 1986)

» Edmond Fischer (Medicine 1992)

» Daniel Tsui (Physics 1998)

» Gao Xingjian (Literature 2000)

» Charles K. Kao (Physics 2009)

Perhaps Khoo will protest and say he was only referring to Malaysian Chinese schools. But what’s the difference? Is he saying then that the Chinese schools in China and Taiwan are not copycats? Surely the key issue revolves around the quality of education, not the medium of instruction.

The early curriculum of the Chinese schools in Malaysia, like their counterparts in China was based on rote learning. But after the "Thought Revolution" of the May 4 Movement in 1919, this was replaced by a modern curriculum in China and in the Chinese schools in Malaya. This situation was by no means perfect. How could it be?

As a historian, Khoo will no doubt be aware that while the English schools in Malaya were nurtured by the British colonial power, the Chinese schools were neglected. The Chinese schools had to rely on self-help to survive in contrast to the British-supported English schools. Up to the present, they still have to survive through the sacrifice of the community to support the 1,280 Chinese primary schools and 60 Independent Chinese Secondary Schools.

The earliest record of Chinese schools dates back to 1815 in Malacca (See The Chinese Schools of Malaysia: A Protean Saga). The colonial government rationalised their lack of financial support for educating the Chinese masses in this way:

"British colonial administrators were so impressed by the high level of community organisation among the Malayan Chinese that they left them virtually alone to manage their own affairs." (Multi-ethnic politics: The case of Malaysia)

If Khoo cares to research the anti-colonial movement in Malaya, he will be aware that large sections of the anti-colonial movement were products of Chinese schools. Let us ask for the statistics on all the political detainees of the British colonial power from colonial times right up to Independence and note the proportion of Chinese-educated anti-colonial fighters.

Khoo will say No, that’s not what he’s talking about. But as a nationalist, is not anti-colonialism, equality, justice, freedom and democracy as important as "creativity" and international scholarship?

English schools or Bahasa Malaysia schools?

The scholars of international renown cited by Khoo are almost all products of the colonial era, products of the elite schools in which the medium of instruction was English. Is that surprising? We do not doubt that the students who have been educated in elite schools in Malaya and gone on to the Ivy League institutions have turned out to be luminaries in their fields. This is the case in every society where privilege prevails, whether in China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Britain, US or wherever. It does not matter whether the medium of instruction is in English or Chinese or Malay.

But what about the post-1971 generation when the medium of instruction was totally in Bahasa Malaysia? Have we produced any scholars of international distinction, despite the existence of these traditional elite institutions? If we haven’t, then are the national schools teaching in Bahasa Malaysia also producing copycats? If not, why not? Why is Khoo only casting aspersions on the Chinese schools?

He may not be aware that the Chinese schools in Malaysia (including the independent Chinese secondary schools) have been following the National Curriculum ever since the 1961 Education Act. If the Chinese schools are producing copycats, then so are the national schools.

Chinese schoolchildren getting national scholarships?

Khoo shows his unfamiliarity with the national education policy and the Chinese school system when he challenges his detractors to show him how many Chinese schoolchildren have won national scholarships.

First, he must know that at least 90% of Chinese children go to (partially assisted) Chinese primary schools but only 10% of these go on to independent Chinese secondary schools. Thus any Chinese student who wins a national scholarship is likely to be from a Chinese primary school background, or at least there is a 9:1 chance of that. If too few Chinese students are getting national scholarships that is surely an issue for a Suhakam commissioner.

On the other hand, if you ask why no student from the independent Chinese secondary schools has won a national scholarship, it is because of the simple reason the Malaysian Government does not recognise their Unified Examination Certificate. The National University of Singapore has been poaching our students for years – at one time they wanted 1,000 of our students a year. I suggest Khoo uses his influence to get the statistics from NUS to find out how many Malaysian Chinese school students have won NUS scholarships through the years. Be surprised. Be very surprised.

Don’t we recall the case of the prodigy from our independent Chinese secondary school in Seremban who was admitted to MIT with a scholarship in the eighties? There have been many other cases highlighted in the Chinese-language press. We have a recent case of Pan Jian Cheng, the inventor of the pen drive, who is a product of an independent Chinese school in Klang and is now a rich young entrepreneur in Taiwan. There are numerous Nanyang University graduates who are luminaries in their academic fields in universities in Malaysia, Singapore and abroad. They are all products of our Chinese schools. My good friend and colleague, Dr Tang Hai Chang, a product of Nanyang University was a research fellow in nuclear physics at the Rutherford Laboratories of Manchester University, UK in the seventies.

My son and daughter are graduates of the Chinese schools. My daughter did not gain a national scholarship but she was awarded a UK National Health Service Bursary to study medicine. Like other Chinese school students, they are both fluent in Mandarin, English and Bahasa Malaysia. My son is also conversant in French and Spanish and can banter in Tamil. Copycats they are not.

Excellence and mediocrity in Chinese schools

My rebuttal to Khoo by no means argues that the Chinese schools of Malaysia are all excellent. There is a vast diversity throughout West and East Malaysia -- large and small Chinese schools, rich and poor, mediocre and excellent, depending on the locality, school committee, and awareness of the community. The problems they face stem from lack of state support for teacher training and insufficient schools resulting in gross over-crowding.

Their existence stems from the historical fact that the early Chinese Malayans – like their Malay and Indian counterparts -- wanted education in their mother tongue. They have sustained the schools for nearly two hundred years, surely a feat all Malaysians can be proud of. And when the government works out how much the Chinese community has subsidised the education budget since independence, they will realise that the bill runs into the billions of ringgit. Then think of the contribution of our Chinese school graduates to the national human resources all these years. Foreign universities, including those in the West often acknowledge the positive values, such as discipline, eagerness to learn, selflessness that our Chinese school graduates impart into their campuses – how do we measure such qualities?

There have been efforts at education reform in the Chinese schools but this has surged and waned with the calibre in leadership of the Chinese education movement and limited resources. The present leadership of Dong Jiao Zong leaves much to be desired. The point I want to stress is that despite the odds and gross discrimination in financial allocation and teacher training, the Chinese schools of Malaysia have survived a veritable "protean saga". Calling them copycats is an old nineteenth century story.

Let me end here with a snippet from an old correspondence I received from the world-renowned writer, Han Suyin, dated March 12, 1983:

"…the English-educated (in Malaysia) were also the worst enemies of Nanyang University. They knew only English and fought to retain their supremacy through English, knowing well that the Chinese education in the Chinese medium was totally adequate and in some ways a better type of education than that dispensed by the English schools."

Well, that’s her opinion…

Dr Kua Kia Soong is a noted social scientist, author, educationist and a former politician. Comments:

Wednesday, December 16, 2009




1. 民主行动党(皇后花园支部)
2. 柔佛州社青团
3. 柔佛州回教党青年团
4. 新山人民之友工委会
5. 柔佛州回教党支持者俱乐部
6. 柔佛州人民党
7. 回教党(地布佬支部)
8. Persatuan Dravidar Malaysia (Johor)
9. 柔佛州大红花之友
10. Persatuan Tamil Neri Malaysia
11. Persatuan Tamilar Negeri Johor
12. 柔佛州人民公正党
13. 人民公正党(古来区)
14. 人民公正党(蒲莱支部)
15. 社会主义党(努沙再也支部)
16. 大马人民之声
17. 马来西亚教育,福利与研究基金会Yayasan Pelajaran, Kebajikan & Penyelidikan Malaysia (EWRF)
18. 回教党(巴西古当支部)
19. 新山甘榜巴鲁避兰东登雅村民福利协会
20. 柔佛州公正队

除了钟立薇的代表律师哈山卡林之外,柔州律师委员会代表Navamani律师则为助理辩护律师(assisting counsel), 律师公会代表杨映波律师也在场观察审讯(watching brief)。

今天的审讯在早上约10时10分进行。结果此案将展延至2010年1月25日。据哈山律师,由于 “要求撤消对钟立薇控状”行动委员会于今年11月24日向总检察长提呈请愿书要求撤消控状,总检察长正在研究有关要求。因此,双方皆同意展延此案,等待总检察长针对请愿书做出决定,而推事Mohamad Fuad Bin Abdul Ghani也批准了展延此案。


要求撤消对钟立薇控状”行动委员会 协调员



《独立新闻在线》 35党团施压终露曙光 钟立薇案件展延开审
《当今大马》 请愿书促使总检察长展延审讯 35党团高呼钟立薇案“小胜利”
《南洋商报》 35党团请愿书奏效 总检察署将检讨钟立薇控状
《中国报》 總檢察署接獲請願書 或不控鍾立薇
《东方日报》 被控發佈假訊息 鐘立薇上庭
《星洲日报》 鍾立薇控報假案‧展至1月25日過堂

Penundaan Kes Cheng Lee Whee Merupakan Kemenangan Kecil Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama untuk Menuntut Gugurkan Dakwaan Terhadap Cheng Lee Whee

【Kenyataan Akhbar Bertarikh 16hb Disember 2009】

Kira-kira 40 orang wakil dari 35 badan bukan kerajaan dan parti politik telah mengadakan satu sidang akhbar pada pukul 9:30 pagi di Depan Jotic untuk memberi sokongan kepada saudari Cheng Lee Whee yang menghadapi perbicaraan di mahkamah majistret hari ini. Mereka menuntut bahawa dakwaan terhadap saudari Cheng digugurkan.

Antara kumpulan yang menghantar wakil yang hadir pada hari ini ialah

1. DAP cawangan Taman Ungku Tun Aminah,
2. DAPSY Bahagian Johor,
3. Dewan Pemuda PAS Negeri Johor,
4. Friend of Suaram Johor,
5. Kelab Penyokong PAS Johor,
6. Parti Rakyat Malaysia Johor,
7. PAS Kawasan Tebrau,
8. Persatuan Dravidar Malaysia (Johor),
9. Persatuan Semparuthi JB,
10. Persatuan Tamil Neri Malaysia,
11. Persatuan Tamilar Negeri Johor,
12. PKR Johor,
13. PKR Kawasan Kulai,
14. PKR Kawasan Pulai,
15. PSM Cawangan Nusa Jaya,
16. Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM),
17. Yayasan Pelajaran, Kebajikan & Penyelidikan Malaysia (EWRF),
18. PAS Kawasan Pasir Gudang,
19. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kampung Baru Plentong Tengah,
20. Pasukan Keadilan Johor

Selain daripada peguam bela Cheng Lee Whee, En. Hassan Karim, pembicaraan ini turut disertai oleh En. Yeo Yang Poh yang dihantar oleh Bar Council sebagai Watching Brief dan Cik Navamani peguam dari Johor Bar Committee sebagai peguam bantuan dalam kes Cheng Lee Whee.

Kes ini telah ditangguhkan ke 25hb Januari 2010. Menurut peguam bela kes ini, En. Hassan Karim, kes ini ditangguhkan kerana Pendakwa Raya sedang mengkaji petisyen yang dihantar oleh Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama untuk Menuntut Gugurkan Dakwaan Terhadap Cheng Lee Whee kepada Peguam Negara pada 24hb November 2009. Maka dengan itu, kedua-dua pihak iaitu Timbalan Pendakwa Raya Encik Umar Shariffudin Bin Jaafar dan Encik Hassan Karim bersetuju untuk menundakan kes ini sementara menunggu keputusan daripda Pendakwa Raya dan disahkan oleh Majistret Encik Mohamad Fuad Bin Abdul Ghani.

Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama untuk Menuntut Gugurkan Dakwaan Terhadap Cheng Lee Whee menganggapkan bahawa penangguhan kes ini merupakan kemenangan yang kecil di mana kami berjaya memberi tekanan kepada pihak berkuasa dalam kes ini. Walau bagaimanapun, kami tetap akan teruskan perjuangan kami iaitu gugurkan dakwaan terhadap Cheng Lee Whee.

Yang Bertugas,

Fang Pei Fen

Tel / Fax: +607-5581098
HP: 016-7782707

Penyelaras Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama untuk Menuntut Gugurkan Dakwaan Terhadap Cheng Lee Whee.




钟立薇(Cheng Lee Whee)就新山甘榜巴鲁避兰东登雅村民2008年10月16日为捍卫住屋权益,阻止发展商拆屋,共有27人被警方逮捕的事件上, 在当天的下午2时许到新山百万镇警局报案。而,检察总署却于2009年10月14日正式向新山地庭援引《刑事法典》第182条文提控钟立薇(官司号码:83-4411-09(1)),提控钟立薇报假案。





《光华日报》为民请命反被控报假案 民拉横幅声援钟立薇

35 Petubuhan dan Parti Johor Menuntut: Gugurkan Dakwaan Terhadap Cheng Lee Whee

Kenyataan Akhbar Bertarikh 16hb Disember 2009

Kami, daripada 35 buah badan bukan kerajaan dan parti politik negeri Johor, berkumpul di sini untuk memberi sokongan kepada saudari Cheng Lee Whee yang akan menghadapi perbicaraan di mahkamah majistret pada hari ini. Tuntutan kami adalah menuntut dakwaan terhadap saudari Cheng digugurkan. Saudari Cheng telah didakwa oleh pendakwa raya dibawah Kanun Keseksaan Seksyen 182 (no kes rujukan: 83-4411-09(1)) pada 14hb Oktober 2009. Dakwaan terhadap Saudari Cheng adalah berkaitan dengan tindakan beliau membuat laporan polis yang dikatakan laporan palsu di Balai Polis Permas Jaya berkenaan dengan insiden pengusiran paksa yang berlaku di Kampung Baru Plentong Tengah pada 16hb Oct 2008.

Pada 24hb November 2009, kami telah berjaya menghantar petisyen kepada Jabatan Peguam Negara di Putrajaya untuk menuntut Peguam Negara mengugurkan pendakwaan ke atas saudari Cheng. Petisyen itu diendorse oleh 35 pertubuhan and lebih kurang 500 orang individu.

Selain itu, pada 10hb Disember 2009, satu sidang akhbar telah diadakan di parlimen Malaysia oleh YB Lim Kit Siang dan beliau menyokong petisyen tersebut untuk menggugurkan dakwaan terhadap saudari Cheng. Ahli Parlimen Kawasan Sungai Siput, Dr. Jeyakumar Devaraj turut membentangkan isu ini dalam parlimen pada 14hb Disember 2009.

Kami berpendapat bahawa pendakwaan Jabatan Penguam Negara ke atas saudari Cheng merupakan satu penindasan berlanjutan ke atas seorang pejuang hak asasi manusia. Pendakwaan ke atas Cheng juga merupakan penindasan terhadap SUARAM, Badan-badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) dan juga penindasan keatas mana-mana persatuan dan parti yang mempertahankan kebenaran dan menghormati hak asasi manusia. Kesimpulannya, pendakwaan ke atas Cheng merupakan satu titik hitam ke atas usaha negara kita untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara yang mengamalkan sistem politik demokratik.

Kami berpendapat bahawa Saudari Cheng membuat aduan di Balai Polis merupakan satu tindakan yang menjalankan hak demokrasi serta menjalankan kewajiban sebagai seorang rakyat Malaysia. Tindakan beliau tidak berniat buruk dan tidak bermotifkan kemudaratan mana-mana pihak.

Dengan itu, sekali lagi kami menyeru pihak berkuasa supaya mengugurkan sebarang pendakwaan ke atas saudari Cheng.

Yang Benar,

Fang Pei Fen

Penyelaras Kumpulan Tindakan Bersama untuk Menuntut Gugurkan Dakwaan Terhadap Cheng Lee Whee

P/S: Kenyataan akhbar ini diumumkan dalam sidang akhbar yang diadakan pada 16-Dis 2009 9.30am sebelum kes Cheng dibicarakan.

Berita berkenaan:
Dewan Pemuda PAS Johor: Justice For Lee Whee!
Malaysiakini: 35 NGO desak tarik kes 'aduan palsu' Cheng

Saturday, December 12, 2009
















林吉祥指違反人權 促撤銷鍾立薇控狀





35非政府組織向國會伸冤 · 促撤銷鍾立薇控狀







Pengumuman / 启事 / Notification

Pertukaran alamat blog dan e-mel

Selamat sejahtera, Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee akan menggunakan alamat e-mail dan alamat laman web (Blog) yang baru seperti berikut bermula 1 Januari 2014:


Sekian, terima kasih dan Selamat Tahun Baru!







Change of blog and email addresses

Please be informed that Sahabat Rakyat Working Committee will be using the new email and blog addresses below commencing 1 Jan 2014:


Wishing you a progressive new year!



作为活跃于柔佛州的为民主人权和民族尊严而奋斗的两个组织——柔佛州人民之友工委会与柔州兴权会(HINDRAF JOHORE)针对第13届大选,在去年底联合发表了一篇主题为“打破巫统霸权,建立民主联合阵线;团结全州人民,实现三大迫切诉求”的《告柔佛州人民书》;我们毫不犹疑,也毫不含糊主张“把国阵抛弃到历史的垃圾堆中去”。




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